MAgyar NORvég KApcsolatok

Önkormányzati kapacitás-építés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel


September Starting date of the project: 25th of September.
October Preparation
November 25th of November: kick-off meetings: Gender Working Group (GWG), Reference Group (RG) and Management Committee (MC); Workshop on efficiency network: input from KS for MFSZ and KÖOÉSZ activities
December Preparation: selection service providers, communication channels, surveys


January MFSZ workshops (40 people), announcement of gender pilot projects, conclusion of contract, launching of website, determination of topics for national surveys
February One day meeting of Gender WG (19 February), of RG (18 February ), of MC: (18 February); First Township Working Group meeting (MKKSZ), KÖOÉSZ workshop at Orosháza on 26.02; MFSZ workshop (40 people), sending out General National Survey, announcement of gender pilots and selection of five participants; selection of township leading trainers
March MFSZ workshop (40 people), deadline for selection of gender pilot participants, 1. printed newsletter
April final deadline: Inauguration of Local Government Coordination and Information Center with press conference; MFSZ study-trip to Norway (15 people) Between April 7-10; KÖOÉSZ workshop on 16 in Kistelek; MFSZ workshop (40 people), 28-30 April preparatory workshop for gender pilots (7 Norwegian participants)
May MFSZ workshop (40 people), gender pilots: trip to Norway, KÖOÉSZ study-trip to Norway
June 2. Towship Working Group Meeting (MKKSZ); MFSZ workshop (40 people); KÖOÉSZ workshop in Marcali; selection of township trainers, 2. newspaper
July Reformulation of the training material of the Councillor Training Programme, selection of trainers
August Gender Pilot workshopok (participants from Norway)
September Gender Pilot workshops (Participants from Norway), Workshop for Trainers in Councillor Training Program; SZETT 2. component - beginning of elaboration of training material, 3. printed newsletter
October Survey of Municipal Entreprises; training of township trainers (25 people from KIM, 25 from local authorities)
November GWG, RG, MC: 2 -day meeting ; 3. Township WG (MKKSZ); 25 member ÖNET delegation to Norway; survey of municipal entreprises, Trainings in Councillor Training Programme (40), MFSZ workshop (40fő)
December Professional publication in gender WG, survey of municipal entreprises, Trainings in Councillor Training Programme(40 people), MFSZ workshop (40 people); SZETT beginning of elaboration of training material of 1. component; 4.printed newsletter

January Trainings in Councillor Training Programme (40), 2. national survey in gender; county township meeetings + trainings; MFSZ workshop (40 people)
February Trainings in Councillor Training Programme (40), county township meetings + trainings,MFSZ workshop (40 people); SZETT Golden Skills trainings, SZETT trainings in 2. component, ÖNET 1. WG
March Trainings in Councillor Training Programme (40), county township meetings + trainings,MFSZ workshop (40fő); SZETT Golden Skills trainings, organization of SZETT trainings in component 2, workshop for leaders of entreprises in municipal property (45 people), 5.printed newsletter
April County townsip meetings + trainings; MFSZ workshop (40 people); township conference, SZETT Golden Skills trainings, SZETT trainings in component 2.
May GWG, RG, MC: 1 day meeting; KS Bedrift study-trip to Norway 15 people; SZETT Golden Skills trainings, SZETT trainings in component 2, township trainings, ÖNET 2. meeting;
June SZETT Golden Skills trainings, SZETT trainings in component 2, township trainings, 6. newspaper
July SZETT trainings in component 2.
August SZETT trainings in component 2, ÖNET 3. working group meeting
September KÖOÉSZ and MFSZ conference (+ supplement: summary of the results of township meetings) (200 people), SZETT training in component 2; Ceremonial signature of ÖNET between the central government and local governments on Local Government Day; ÖNET 4. WG meeting, 7. printed newsletter
October Two-day meeting of GWG, RG, MC; SZETT trainings in 2 component;; 4. township WG meeting (MKKSZ)
November Gender study-trip to Norway (20 people)
December Gender conference in Hungary (200 people, 11 participants from Norway), 8. printed newsletter

January General National Survey; 9. printed newsletter
February One day meeting in GWG, RG, MC
March Closing conference; 10. printed newsletter

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MANORKA projekt:
MAgyar - NORvég KApcsolatok

„Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel” projekt

1071 Budapest, Damjanich u. 44.
1386 Budapest 62. Pf. 908
T: 1-321-24-96, 1-327-24-97