MAgyar NORvég KApcsolatok

Önkormányzati kapacitás-építés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel

Association for Life Long Learning (SZETT)

Association for Life Long Learning (SZETT)

The Association of Life Long Learning (ALLL) is a Hungarian non-governmental and non-profit organisation, which accomplish the TÁMOP 5.3.9.-11/1-2012-0001 project in Hungary from August 2013 to January 2015 with 1.993.961.000 forints. There are 50 Open Learning Centres in Hungary, where underprivileged people can learn languages, computer knowledge and other fields for free.
Mr Ákos Balázs, President


According to our goals is to join the Hungarian Government’s and the European Union’s strategic mission, so that the basic competences and skills can be constantly updated and learning systems of non-formal and informal learning will be available for adults free. This means developing employment, basic skills, which help you with in everyday life, highlighted digital writing, main competences, native speaking and foreign language communication skills and concern for the settlement conditions. In the pilot project the Association of Life Long Learning (ALLL) with 9 membership organizations, the Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning "VOX", EGT and supported be the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism established the pilot program, in which were 9 Open Learning Centres. The initiative was granted project as a best practice project in Brussels and also in Hungary. The Open Learning Centres equipped with the modern education technique devices, on individual and collective training plans for free. The centres provide learning opportunities for adults who only have basic education or who are unskilled, in the country's least developed regions. The learning centres are deployed in areas with exceptionally high unemployment rate and can have a positive effect on social integration and community development, and they may contribute to skills and employability development on local level. The program highlighted that each centre has programs specifically focusing on those skills that are important on local level.


There are 50 Open Learning Centres in Hungary

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MANORKA projekt:
MAgyar - NORvég KApcsolatok

„Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel” projekt

1071 Budapest, Damjanich u. 44.
1386 Budapest 62. Pf. 908
T: 1-321-24-96, 1-327-24-97