MANORKA project
3 December, 2015.
„Sustainable municipalities with equal opportunities” conference in the framework of the MANORKA Project Gender Equality Working group
Venue: Eötvös 10 Cultural Center (1067. Budapest, Eötvös utca 10.)
3 December, Thursday
Chair: Mr. Jenő Schmidt, President of TÖOSZ, Mayor of Tab town
9:30-9:45Welcoming speech, Ms. Zsófia Hassay, Mayor of the VI. district, Terézváros
9:45-10:15 Equal opportunity programs of TÖOSZ, activities of the MANORKA Gender Equality Working Group, Dr. Gábor Zongor, Secretary-General of TÖOSZ
10.15 – 10.40 Principal priorities of the inclusion politics, presentation on the status of the Municipal Equality Programs, Mrs. Langerné, Katalin Victor, Deputy-State-Secretary responsible for social inclusion, Ministry of Human Capacities
10.40 -11:00 Measures of gender equality as part of general national policies on equal opportunities, Tünde Fűrész, Deputy-State-Secretary responsible for family and population policies, Ministry of Human Capacities
11.00-11:20 How can municipalities work on different aspects of equality and diversity?, Liss Schanke, Special Adviser, KS
11:20-11:40 Coffe break
11.40-12:40 Presentation on results of Norwegian-Hungarian pilot projects of work-life balance Introduction: Ms. Gunnbjorg Navik, special advisor, KS
12:40– 14:00 Best practices in planning of equality measures
14:00-15:00 Lunch
Bilateral discussions among Hungarian and Norwegian participants
18:00 Dinner
Partner search for Norwegian and Hungarian municipalities
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MANORKA projekt:
MAgyar - NORvég KApcsolatok
„Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel” projekt
1071 Budapest, Damjanich u. 44.
1386 Budapest 62. Pf. 908
T: 1-321-24-96, 1-327-24-97