MAgyar NORvég KApcsolatok

Önkormányzati kapacitás-építés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel

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„Sustainable municipalities with equal opportunities” conference 03/12/2015

In MANORKA project one of the most sucessful activities were those with aim to improve equal opportunities for all. The working group discussed many best practices and good local solutions for the support of equal opportunities. On 3th of December 2015 will be held the final conference of this work package in the project.

MANORKA project


3 December, 2015.


„Sustainable municipalities with equal opportunities” conference in the framework of the MANORKA Project Gender Equality Working group


Venue: Eötvös 10 Cultural Center (1067. Budapest, Eötvös utca 10.)



3 December, Thursday


Chair: Mr. Jenő Schmidt, President of TÖOSZ, Mayor of Tab town

9:30-9:45Welcoming speech, Ms. Zsófia Hassay, Mayor of the VI. district, Terézváros

9:45-10:15 Equal opportunity programs of TÖOSZ, activities of the MANORKA Gender Equality Working Group, Dr. Gábor Zongor, Secretary-General of TÖOSZ

10.15 – 10.40 Principal priorities of the inclusion politics, presentation on the status of the Municipal Equality Programs, Mrs. Langerné, Katalin Victor, Deputy-State-Secretary responsible for social inclusion, Ministry of Human Capacities

10.40 -11:00 Measures of gender equality as part of general national policies on equal opportunities, Tünde Fűrész, Deputy-State-Secretary responsible for family and population policies, Ministry of Human Capacities

11.00-11:20 How can municipalities work on different aspects of equality and diversity?, Liss Schanke, Special Adviser, KS

11:20-11:40 Coffe break

11.40-12:40 Presentation on results of Norwegian-Hungarian pilot projects of work-life balance Introduction: Ms. Gunnbjorg Navik, special advisor, KS

  • Füzy Andrea, Councillor in Abasár, képviselő
  • Rujp Zsuzsa, Deputy - Mayor, Etyek
  • Zakar Ágnes, Councillor, Szentendre
  • Németh Violetta, Councillor, Bük
  • Pénzes Erzsébet, former-Mayor, Hidegkút


12:40– 14:00 Best practices in planning of equality measures

  • How can a conservative region develop strategies for equality and diversity?, Lisbeth Reed, Special Adviser, Vest Agder municipal council
  • How can a mayor work with equality and diversity?, Hilde Thorkildsen, Mayor, Nittedal municipality
  • Roma integration policies in Pápa, dr. Tamás Áldozó, mayor of Pápa polgármestere, International Co-president of TÖOSZ (to be confirmed)
  • „In cooperation for a common future”, János Hosszú, President of Roma Minority Local Government of Dunaújváros
    • The practice of conflict-management trainings in the implementation of gender equality measures, Mrs. Iványiné Andrea Szabó,  leading trainer
    • Get closer to communities - Roma coordinators for better use of EU funds, Mr. András Nun, Director of the Autonomia Foundation (to be confirmed)

14:00-15:00 Lunch

Bilateral discussions among Hungarian and Norwegian participants

18:00 Dinner 

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MANORKA projekt:
MAgyar - NORvég KApcsolatok

„Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel” projekt

1071 Budapest, Damjanich u. 44.
1386 Budapest 62. Pf. 908
T: 1-321-24-96, 1-327-24-97