MAgyar NORvég KApcsolatok

Önkormányzati kapacitás-építés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel

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Bjørg Tingstad, Mayor of Fosnes and Erzsébet Pénzes Mayor of Hidegkút worked togehter in order to improve equality between women and men on local level


Bjørg Tingstad, Mayor of Fosnes and Erzsébet Pénzes Mayor of Hidegkút 

participated in Manorka project („Capacity-building in municipalities through Norwegian-Hungarian cooperation”) supported by Norway Financial Mechanism 2009-2014

The basic idea of this part of the project was: through exchange program of locally elected representatives to learn from each other in order to improve the equality between women and men.

The selection of the possible participants based on language skills and ideas for imlementing small local pilot projects.

Erzsébet Pénzes elaborated the following pilot project concept in cooperation with her Norwegian collegaue Bjørg Tingstad, Mayor of Fosnes.

Pilot project proposal

Author: Erzsébet Pénzes

mayor of Hidegkút/Hungary



In the frame of the Capacity-building in municipalities through Norwegian-Hungarian cooperation project’s gender equality act we got the opportunity to travel to a Norwegian partner, to a municipality which has female mayor. The project’s objective is to get to know the situation of the Norwegian partner the best possible, so-called shadow their activities in the municipality for the few days of their visit and in this way get to know the best practices of the given Norwegian municipality-partner in the field of work-life balance and gender-equality.

The final outcome of this study-tour to Norway that the most convenient best practice to implement in Hidegkút and in its surrounding is a MOT-like program for young girls of age 10-30.


Project title

Promoting the development of young individuals within a safe and natural environment, focusing on gender roles

Project model

The main concept of the project adopt the Norwegian MOT model. MOT is an organization which aims to improve the social environment and basic quality of life of young people, by teaching them vital life and social skills in diverse environments. MOT works both for and together with the youth.

MOT offers a comprehensive model for how the local municipality can work together with its young members. This model consists of programs designed to improve contact with young people at secondary and upper secondary schools as well as encompassing the arena of their leisure time activities. By the means of youthful interaction, exercises, stories, dialogues and role plays young people become more conscious of the importance of making their own decisions, taking care of each other and showing courage.

Project objectives

  • To help youth become more robust, make conscious choices and to believe in their own abilities;
  • to make young people accept differences;
  • to make young girls each other valuable and significant;
  • to empower the young girls to make conscious choices that result in them better mastering life;
  • to strengthen young girls’ courage to take care of themselves and each other;
  • to make them believe in their own abilities.

Project actors

  • Trained “coaches”, teachers and young people who are able to give through the concept of the project.

Target groups

  • Young people of age 10 – 30, mostly girls, in the surrounding villages of Hidegkút

Project partners (planned)

  • KÖSZI (Közép-Dunántúli Szövetség az Ifjúságért)
  • TIE (Tótvázsonyi Ifjúsági Egyesület)
  • MOT

Project program (actions and tools)

  • Training programs for coaches;
  • Promotional events for the target group;
  • Establishing clubs;
  • Creating promotional materials;
  • Disseminating the program in the project area.

Proposed execution period: Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2016.

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MANORKA projekt:
MAgyar - NORvég KApcsolatok

„Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel” projekt

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