MAgyar NORvég KApcsolatok

Önkormányzati kapacitás-építés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel

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Decision making meetings of Project Partners will take place between 10 and 11 of February 2015 in Lajosmizse

Meetings of the Steering and Reference Group, Gender Equality Working Group, Local Government Associations’ Working Group, BEDRIFT Working Group and the Management Working Group will take place in the framework of the MANORKA „Capacity-building in municipalities through Norwegian-Hungarian cooperation” from 10-11 February, 2015 in Lajosmizse, in the Geréby Mansion hotel ( 6050 Lajosmizse, Alsólajos 224) .


Draft Agenda:


10 February, 2015.


10.00 – 10.10  Welcoming speeches


Local Governance and interest-representation


10.00 – 10.30  Presentation on updated local government issues and the cooperation with local government associations

                        Presenter: Tibor Pogácsás, State-Secretary of local governments, Ministry of Interior


10.30 – 10.50  The situation of local government interest-representation and its possibilities, presentation of the work of KS and Bedrift

            Presenters: Elita Cakule, head of the international office in KS, Gunnbjorg Navik, international expert of KS,  Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS)


10.50- 11.10    The status of interest-negotiations, dialogues of Local Governments and the Government, assessment of the Local Government Association Forum (ÖNET)

                        Presenter: Dr. Gábor Zongor, Secretary-General of TÖOSZ


11.10 – 11.30 Overview of the operation of interest-representing and employers’ organizations of municipal public service provider companies (Norwegian KS BEDRIFT)

                       Presenter: Dr. Péter Szegvári, expert of TÖOSZ


11.30 – 13.00  Round table discussion with the leaders of the national local government associations on the situation of local government interest-representation and the possible directions of its renewal

13.00 – 14.20  Lunch


Social issues, gender equality, equal opportunities



14.20 – 14.40  Overview of the transformation of the social care system affecting local authorities

            Presenter: Károly Czibere, State-Secretary responsible for social affairs and social inclusion within the Ministry of Human Resources


14.40 – 15.00  Presentation on the CEMR Charter – Equality of Women and Men in local life

            Presenter: Johanna Törnström, European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) – Policy Officer in Equality


15.00 – 15.20  Overview of the results of the survey undertaken in the framework of the MANORKA project on equality of men and women and work-life balance

Presenter: Anikó Sükösd, researcher of LRMI, Local and Regional Monitoring Institute


15.20 – 16.30  Round-table discussion on social care tasks of local authorities


11 February, 2015


Equal Opportunities – good examples and best practices


09.00 – 09.20  Presentation of Pilot projects of the Gender Equality Working Group from a Norwegian perspective

            Presenter: Gunnbjørg Nåvik, international expert of KS, National Association of Local and Regional Governments


09.20 – 10.50  Presentation of Pilot projects of the Gender Equality Working Group from a Hungarian Perspective

                        Presenters:      Ágnes Zakar, member of the body of representatives, Szentendre, Violetta Németh, member of the body of representatives, Bük, Zsuzsa Rujp, vice-mayor of Etyek, Andrea Füzy, member of the body of representatives of Abasár, Pénzes Erzsébet, ex-mayor of Hidegkút, Projection of two films (2x15 minute-long interviews)


10.50 – 11.10  Presentation on the programmes to support social inclusion

                        Presenter: Katalin Langerné Victor, Deputy State-Secretary responsible for social inclusion in the Ministry of Human Resources

11.10 – 11.30  Is there a real guideline for the methods of inclusion of Roma minority groups in Hungary, or without taboos on the greatest challenges of the Hungarian countryside

            Presenter: István Forgács, Managing –Director of the Origo Group Conflict-treatment and Strategic Counselling Ltd. and Kata Kárász, Project coordinator, National Democratic Institute, Hungary

11.30 – 11.50 Efforts undertaken by the Ministry of Interior in the direction of the capacity building of local government leaders

            Presenter: dr. Emese Gasparics Farkasné, Deputy State-Secretary of local governments, Ministry of Interior

11.50 – 12.00  Overview on the best practices of TÖOSZ and MANORKA projects, Presentation of the Best Practice (LÖGY) Call for Proposal

                        Presenter: Dr. Gábor Zongor, Secretary-General of TÖOSZ


The scheduling in the Agenda is informative. In the framework of all the topics, we wish to give an opportunity for the participating local government leaders, mayors to raise questions, open debates.





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MANORKA projekt:
MAgyar - NORvég KApcsolatok

„Önkormányzati kapacitásépítés norvég-magyar együttműködéssel” projekt

1071 Budapest, Damjanich u. 44.
1386 Budapest 62. Pf. 908
T: 1-321-24-96, 1-327-24-97